Sunday, May 17, 2009


Here are some images from a recent 2009 senior shoot session. I have had such a wonderful time with these young ppl. They are such extraordinary seniors. Each and every one of them. They are also beautiful people. I think they make my work look easy.

So, Congrats to all our 2009 seniors. Go and make your MARK in this big bright world.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lawson's First Birthday

My great nephew just turned ONE and here are a few pictures from his party. He had a wonderful day and truely enjoyed himself, as did everyone else. There is something so special about celebrating a birth with loved ones, family and close friends. There is excitement and joy and a bittersweet moment when you wonder where all the days have gone that has made up this year of their lives. But this day was for sweet rememberences, and joyful celebration. We all laughed and talked and watched in wonder at the destruction of Lawson's very first birthday cake. He is a truely remarkable child. And... the cake..

And let the party begin.

I love to watch these lttle ones eat their first cake. It always amazes me what each one will do. Some are so neat and clean and others will simply destroy it.

Guess we all know which type Lawson is, right?

Sometimes you have to just dig in with everything you've got. Just take a bite out of it.

All in a days work

Clean up time.

One of many gifts received at party.

Love those Tigers

Geaux Tigers!!

Mom, Nana, Maw Maw Betty and Lawson.